Blockchain and the Transformation of Financial Systems

Every so often a technology breaks in that causes a profound impact on human activities. In this article we will learn about one of the most recent, which is the blockchain, and how it is leading to the transformation of financial systems. It is thought that blockchain could change the way transactions are conducted and […]

Is Monetary Unification Feasible in Latin America?

At the beginning of 2023, within the framework of an agreement to promote bilateral trade, the governments of Argentina and Brazil proposed the creation of a common currency, to facilitate the exchange between the two countries. Likewise, the leaders of the two great ones of the South invited the other nations of the region to […]

Big Data and Financial Decision Making in 2023

Intuition or experience, or both combined, are usually in many cases the main sources to which one appeals when considering whether to give a new direction to the business or change the way one has been working. However, it is possible that this scenario will soon end up changing and that Big data will become […]

Financial Innovation Trends You Should Know About

Fintech, crowdfunding, blockchain, and digital wallets, are names that you’ve probably heard or read about. Some of these trends in financial innovation already have time, and others are more recent. However, if you want to dedicate yourself to business, you must know them, to be up to date and make the most of them. In […]

AI in the Financial Industry

As it happens in so many other fields, AI is also gaining a lot of ground in the financial industry, where new applications and developments are found every day, for the benefit of both the activity of the institutions and the security of the customers. In this sense, artificial intelligence can help companies in the […]

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